A poster with the words discover cure january-february 2020 in san francisco.

Biotech Showcase 2020 @JPM San Francisco

What Is It?

Biotech Showcase™ is an investor conference during JPM 2020, devoted to providing private and public biotech companies and life sciences companies with an opportunity to present to and meet with investors and pharmaceutical executives in one place during the course of one of the industry’s largest annual healthcare investor conferences.

The conference is always buzzing, bringing together biotech leaders and innovators to discuss and showcase the latest products and developments in the biotechnology industry. The event is held during the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference week in San Francisco.

Now in its 12th year, at this rapidly growing conference, attendees have the opportunity to network, attend company presentations, and participate in panel discussions, plenary sessions, and workshops covering a wide range of topics related to biotechnology, such as financing, partnering, and business strategy. The conference also features a digital partnering platform that allows attendees to connect and schedule meetings with potential partners and investors.

The Biotech Showcase™ serves as an important platform for biotech and pharma companies to highlight their innovations and strategies, and for investors and industry professionals to stay informed about the latest trends and opportunities in the biotechnology industry.

Delta4 was chosen as one of only thirty-five seed-stage companies to give a company presentation to an audience of investors and potential partners.

Why It’s Important

The event is important to the growing biotechnology industry because it brings together a highly diverse group of stakeholders from different parts of the biotech ecosystem. It’s rare to have so many startups, established companies, and investors in the same place. This unique opportunity helps to advance all aspects of the industry.

One of the key benefits of the Biotech Showcase™ is that it allows companies to present their latest research and product developments to a large audience of potential partners and investors. This can help these companies to attract the necessary funding and partnerships that can be critical to their success. Additionally, by providing a platform for companies to showcase their innovations, the Biotech Showcase™ helps advance the state of the art in the biotech industry, driving innovation and progress.

Another important aspect of the event is the networking opportunities it provides. By bringing together a large and varied group of industry professionals, the event creates opportunities for collaboration and partnership that might not have otherwise existed. This can lead to new ideas, new partnerships, and ultimately, new products and therapies that can benefit patients around the world and drive growth in the industry.

Overall, the conference is pivotal in promoting growth and collaboration in the biotech industry. It’s exciting for both attendees and participants as companies showcase their innovations, attract funding, forge partnerships, and foster collaboration among industry professionals.

Don’t miss out on meeting with us in the Biotech Showcase or contact us directly. If you prefer e-mail (office@delta4.ai) or phone (+41 79 874 13 22 | +43 681 81 84 27 48), don’t hesitate to reach out.