Our work
How We Can Help
Find or Expand Indications For Your Existing Drugs
Our AI-powered platform enables companies to quickly identify new therapeutic uses for existing drugs with known safety profiles and accelerate their development, approval, and commercialization.
Identify and rank disease-modifying drug targets
Hyper-C can rapidly identify drug targets which are essential for the development of safe and effective drugs. This helps to significantly reduce drug development time and cost by focusing on drug targets with the greatest potential to be effective.
Propose prognostic and predictive protein biomarkers
With our platform, researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and clinicians can identify potential biomarkers for various diseases and medical conditions. This gives them the ability to predict disease progression, identify prognostic indicators, and even personalize treatment plans.
Provide specific background info on a drug effect/side effect
Leveraging Hyper-C’s artificial intelligence-powered algorithms, we’re able to provide insights into how potential drug effects and side effects may interact with each other, allowing for safer and more effective treatments.