We are thrilled to announce that our journal article, titled “OntoloViz: a GUI for interactive visualization of ranked disease or drug lists using the MeSH and ATC ontologies,” has been published in the esteemed Bioinformatics Advances Journal. This publication accentuates Delta4’s continuous endeavor to push the boundaries of TechBio innovation, bridging computational power and biological insight to accelerate drug discovery and development.
OntoloViz At A Glance
The article presents OntoloViz, our Graphical User Interface (GUI) designed for visualizing annotated lists of drugs or diseases within the framework of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) or Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) ontologies. These structured vocabularies are instrumental in annotating scientific literature and information, offering a hierarchical tree-like structure that serves as the foundation for creating intuitive visual displays for specific diseases and drugs.
Such visual representations are crucial for contextualizing diseases and drugs, especially in settings like drug repositioning. Yet, the lack of tools that could leverage these structured ontologies without requiring extensive programming and data processing skills posed a challenge. OntoloViz is our answer to this challenge, offering an intuitively interpretable sunburst layout for visual representation with minimal input requirements.
OntoloViz facilitates the visualization of diseases or drugs in relation to their MeSH or ATC ontologies, requiring merely a list of disease or drug names as input. Moreover, it provides an option for users to specify numerical parameters to enhance the visualization, such as visualizing term frequencies. The GUI ensures values are propagated upwards in the respective ontology tree structure, simplifying the exploration of gene and drug lists.
The article showcases two use cases of OntoloViz: a graphical representation of clinically tested drugs for COVID-19 based on ATC Classification, and a graphical representation of literature annotation of human diseases on the MeSH ontology.

The Bioinformatics Advances Journal
This publication in the Bioinformatics Advances Journal, a revered platform jointly published by Oxford University Press and the International Society for Computational Biology, marks a significant milestone for us. The journal is a hub for high-impact research in the realm of bioinformatics, focusing on original research articles, reviews, application notes, and society features, among others. Its open-access, peer-reviewed nature ensures a global dissemination of groundbreaking research, aiding the scientific community in advancing the understanding and application of computational biology and bioinformatics.
This achievement underscores Delta4’s commitment to contributing to the global TechBio community, sharing our insights and innovative solutions to accelerate the journey from data to discovery in drug indication expansion.
We are excited that the Bioinformatics Advances Journal recognized and published our work, and extend our gratitude to our dedicated team whose relentless efforts made this accomplishment possible.
Delta4 continues to strive for excellence in unraveling the potential of existing drugs, aiming to deliver new treatment options to patients swiftly and efficiently through our proprietary AI platform, Hyper-C. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we further our mission in the TechBio realm!
Learn More
- The full article encapsulating the innovation and potential of OntoloViz can be accessed HERE.
- The OntoloViz is available on PyPI.
- Source code including test data, template, and documentation are available on Delta4’s GitHub repository.