We are currently seeking a highly motivated senior application data scientist to join Delta4’s technology team.

Delta4 GmbH is a Vienna-based biotech company driving the forefront of digital drug discovery and development. Delta4 leverages on a proprietary computational analytics platform, combined with biomedical testing and clinical validation of candidate drugs.

Our unique approach integrates iterative big data/in silico and experimental screens, offering most efficient matching of clinical indications and compound/drug effect. 

The candidate

We invite applications from outstanding graduates in the field of bioinformatics/computational biology/systems biology or equivalent who have a solid understanding of cellular and molecular biology.

Core tasks will be the modelling of disease pathophysiology as well as drug mechanism of action making use of heterogeneous multi-dimensional datasets. The candidate will make use of Delta4’s software platform for internal drug discovery projects but will also work on service projects for big pharma in the area of computational drug repositioning.

Further tasks will be the analysis of Omics datasets to enhance disease and drug mechanism of action molecular models as well as to continuously screen for and evaluate additional novel disease- and drug-related datasets/databases for inclusion into Delta4’s in-silico drug repositioning workflow.

Required skills

  • A solid understanding of cellular and molecular biology (signal transduction pathways, metabolic pathways)
  • Fluent in either R or Python for data wrangling, explorative analysis and data visualization
  • Experience with SQL, JSON, XML
  • Statistical analysis of large biological datasets (e.g. Omics data)
  • Experience with extracting data from key biological databases (NCBI, Ensembl, UniProt, GEO, ArrayExpress, …)
  • Knowledge of key biological ontologies/vocabularies (Medical Subject Headings, Gene Ontology, Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification)
  • Knowledge of graph theory and key graph measures
  • Experience with biological network modelling and visualization (e.g. Cytoscape or igraph)
  • Scientific writing skills

We offer

  • A challenging job in a dynamic, young early stage drug discovery company
  • A competitive salary based on qualification (minimum 63.000 € gross/year)

Send your application directly to: apply@delta4.ai