Sachs 20th Annual Biotech

Sachs 20th Annual Biotech In Europe Forum

The 20th Annual Biotech in Europe (BEF) Forum is recognized as the leading international Stage for those interested in investing and partnering in the biotech and life science industry. This highly transactional event draws together an exciting cross-section of early-stage/pre-lPO, late-stage, and public companies. With leading investors, analysts, money managers, and pharma licensing executives supported and designed by leading figures within Europe’s pharmaceutical and biotech industry, this event will once again be covered by our regular media partners.

Delta4 was very actively participating and was successful in meeting with several pharma and VC representatives, leading to follow-on meetings.

For partnering requests and opportunities contact us directly.


What is the Sachs Biotech in Europe Forum?

The Sachs Biotech in Europe Forum is an annual conference that takes place in Europe, bringing together leaders from the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and life sciences industries. The event is organized by Sachs Associates, a global consulting firm specializing in the life sciences sector. The forum provides a platform for participants to engage in discussions, presentations, and networking opportunities, with the aim of fostering collaborations and partnerships within the industry. Key topics covered at the conference include innovations in biotechnology, investment and financing strategies, regulatory and policy updates, as well as emerging trends and challenges in the life sciences sector. The event attracts a diverse audience of investors, executives, researchers, and other stakeholders from across the globe, making it an important event for those looking to stay informed and connected within the biotechnology and life sciences community.

Why is the Sachas Biotech in Europe Forum Important?

The Sachs Biotech in Europe event is important for several reasons:

  1. Networking opportunities: The forum brings together a diverse group of stakeholders from the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and life sciences industries, including investors, executives, researchers, and policy-makers. This provides a valuable opportunity for attendees to form new connections, share ideas, conduct business development and build strategic partnerships.
  2. Industry insights: The conference features presentations and discussions led by experts on key topics within the life sciences sector. Attendees can gain insights into the latest trends, innovations, and challenges facing the industry, as well as learn about new research developments and technologies.
  3. Investment and financing strategies: The forum serves as a platform for discussing investment and financing opportunities in the biotech and life sciences sectors. It connects companies seeking funding with potential investors and offers advice on effective strategies for attracting investment and managing financial resources.
  4. Regulatory and policy updates: The conference addresses changes in the regulatory landscape and the impact of various policies on the life sciences industry. This helps attendees stay informed about the current state of the market and the potential implications of new regulations and policies.
  5. Promoting collaboration: By fostering dialogue and collaboration among industry stakeholders through virtual meetings, the Sachs Biotech in Europe Forum contributes to the advancement of the biotechnology and life sciences sectors. This collaborative environment can lead to the development of new partnerships and joint ventures, ultimately driving innovation and progress within the industry.

Delta4 considers itself fortunate to have participated in the Sachs Biotech in Europe Forum, as it presented an invaluable opportunity to engage with industry leaders, researchers, and investors from across the globe. The company is grateful for the numerous insightful discussions, productive meetings, and new connections they were able to forge during the event. Overall, Delta4’s experience at the Sachs Biotech in Europe Forum has proven to be immensely beneficial and inspiring.