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Delta4 files four patent applications in FSGS and COVID-19

We are very pleased to announce that Delta4 has filed four patent applications for compounds and combinations of compounds in our drug discovery programs in FSGS and COVID-19. FSGS, or Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, is a devastating renal disease with high and urgent medical need. We initiated our discovery program in this disease in Q4 2019 while our COVID-19 program started in March 2020.

In both indications it took just 3 and 2 months, respectively, of applying our powerful drug discovery platform until our team was able to have a shortlist of promising compounds available for further evaluation.

This achievement highlights the drug discovery capabilities of the Delta4 team and our drug discovery platform. Based on our achievements in recent months we are confident that we can identify drug candidates in other indications and file for in-silico patents. Patents for drug candidates identified by our drug discovery platform are highly annotated including detailed proposals for their mode of action. As such, these patents are considerably stronger compared to others merely claiming a new indication without validation data.

We are open for discussion on licensing opportunities provided by our current and future drug discovery programs. Alternatively, we offer our drug discovery platform to pharmaceutical companies interested in identifying new indications in the life-cycle management of existing compounds. You can contact us by e-mail ( or by using the contact menu on this website.

Photo by Scott Graham on